A narrow channel of slightly wavy water with tall evergreens on either side. The sun is to the right behind the trees making everything a silhouette. This includes the three gillneter boats moving out of the mist.

Regional Climate Change Projections

This section describes the current state of knowledge of climate change projections which are likely to affect the MaPP region and four key sectors of interest: ecosystems, human communities and First Nations, fisheries and aquaculture, and marine infrastructure. However, ecosystems are not subject to management boundaries or lines on a map. Anticipated climate changes and associated impacts are more clearly understood at large scales than within the context of a relatively small area such as the MaPP region. The current understanding of climate change projections and associated impacts at the scale of the BC coast and the MaPP region are somewhat uncertain.

In subsequent sections, and where possible, sub-regional differences are identified within the greater MaPP region. Projected climate changes and impacts are also linked with points of vulnerability for those sectors, opportunities for further research based on knowledge gaps, and recommendations for adaptation actions that may alleviate the severity of these impacts. Information on projected impacts and sectoral vulnerabilities, where known, are included (see Maps, Tables).

A narrow channel of slightly wavy water with tall evergreens on either side. The sun is to the right behind the trees making everything a silhouette. This includes the three gillneter boats moving out of the mist.
Photo by Birgitte Bartlett
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